anyone into wrestling efeds?

Anyone intrested in joining a efed, please join mine. Anyone intrested in writting matchs for an efed, please join/get in contact with me. At the moment the first 6 people to join will be in the ultimate chamber match (combination elimination chamber/ultimate x) while be in the match, with the winner walking away with the vacent bfw world title. Right now 3 slots have been filled, 3 more are needed.

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I like a litltle bit of wrestling but can you explain what is "efeds"?
It means he just broke a rule :(

No linking to other forums rule.

Oh, too bad too he's been a member for a few months too...with oh, well all of 9 posts...i guess he's just a "selective" poster?...hell, everytime I'm on here I can't spend two minutes before finding something I wanna jump on!;)


I don't have the time for this anymore