I'm sorry slipnot.
To tell you the truth, I would have kept to myself and not said anything about what you posted, except that I thought you were bragging about it. The thread asks "if you have pornstars as myspace buddies". I felt you could have mentioned about your myspace buddies and that's that. Without going into detail with "down-low" conversations and phone numbers.
However, I understand from seeing you on the board that you are a very thoughtful and descriptive poster and you like to give the whole story about things. And that's fine. Comparing your other posts to this one you made now makes it seem like you were just being very descriptive as usual and giving a full story about your contacts. While what I said may not have been against board rules, it was rude and I apologize for that.
You're right that you have been very honest about other things on the board and I appreciate that. It really doesn't matter whether I believe you or not about the phone numbers; I could have been nicer in saying it, or not said anything at all.