I met Nikki Dial when she danced at a local strip club in Central California. She was very snobbish, when people tried to say something to her, she was standoffish and some big bouncer-type got in your face telling you to leave her alone. When she was not onstage she was in the back dressing room. One of my friends was able to ask her if she was also doing private dances and her reply was "you're kidding right". I was barely able tell her that she had been my favorite pornstar for years and she replied "whatever."
That was March 2002, and I have never been back to another strip club. But on a lighter note, reading Nina Mercedez's comments (and she has been another personal fav) she sounds totally awesome and would love to meet her someday.
That was March 2002, and I have never been back to another strip club. But on a lighter note, reading Nina Mercedez's comments (and she has been another personal fav) she sounds totally awesome and would love to meet her someday.