Anyone else wanna smack those global warming deniers in the face?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I'm not on one side or the other.. cuz the science simply isnt exact. That's for sure. We cant say dinosaurs looked like this, we cant say the oil will run out today or next 50 years...

But my point here is.. whether it's manmade or not, there is a huge shift in climate AGAINST US. Undesirable weather, global sea levels will rise, temperatures are already fucking random... I can understand that you might doubt it all. But.. is your pride more important than a 'what-if?', eh? So let's say the planet is going thru a natural phase, okay? Does that mean we have to pump more BULLSHIT into the air every day to make it worse? Must we deny that environmentally damaging chemicals, sprays and all that are damaging in the short term AND long term?

So if the evidence provided is inconclusive, it's just ... OKAY to keep belching out smoke clouds, CFC's and such? Whatever happened to "an ounce of prevention", eh? Mother nature takes care of you and you say 'fuck you' on mother's day?
Yea, because of AL Gore the wrong gasses are being regulated mainly Co2 which is harmless, and a serious true greenhouse gas O3 is being ignored. Worse because of all the electric motors (they all create O3) that the Gore nuts are encouraging people to use, the O3 (ozone) levels are skyrocketing thus actually creating much warmer temperatures than we should be having.

So yea I wanna smack every single Al Gore nut right in the kisser it just might knock some sense into them!
i understand questioning whether or not global warming is a natural environmental process in occurrence or a man made phenomenon or even some combo of both but i don't understand denying that something is going on :D
i understand questioning whether or not global warming is a natural environmental process in occurrence or a man made phenomenon or even some combo of both but i don't understand denying that something is going on :D

Because the Earth's climate is always changing. That is the only thing we know for a fact. The rest is all theory and hyperbole.
Question is, how will all those taxes and regulations will regulate the climate? Will doing what environmenazis really do something to solve global warming? I've heard it was too late anyway.

The thing is that a lot of measures, like the Kyoto Accord, will only turn developed nations into third world nations. Imagine for a moment this scenario, you were diagnosed with cancer, doc says you got 6 months to live but with an experimental (and very expensive treatment) you can live for 8 months. You got $100,000 in the bank and the treatment is (surprise) $100,000 for only two more months of life, is it worth it? Or would you rather leave that money for your family?

Same thing with what we ALL would have to pay for increased taxes or increased costs in regulations, is it worth paying so much extra just to TRY to "decrease" the average world temperature .02 degrees?

My problem is not with the science, if global warming is actually ocurring, fine, if it's just a natural earth temperature cycle, fine. My problem is with the unnecessary hysteria that's being caused, even worse than this swine flu, my problem is that for a lot of people it's NOT about the science, just that they really do believe it's happening when it may not even be happening, in other words, they're confusing faith with reasoning.

It's just human nature. Our nature is that we need to have faith in something, whether it's God, Allah, Buddah, Mother Nature, Obama, Science, Satan, Government, the Environment, Rush Limbaugh, Jesus, Jebus, Intellect, or the Great Pumpkin. In other words, even Atheists have faith in something.
Carbon offsets and carbon credits will be one of the biggest government-imposed scams in human history. People forget that the earth goes through climatological cycles, and that's precisely what we're experiencing. We can't change it or stop it. We're not that powerful.
Anyone else wanna smack those global warming deniers in the face?

Global warming is indeed a natural process, average temperature is bound to go up and not down.

What mankind is doing is speeding up this process vastly. There is no doubt about it. I'm myself studying to become chemical engineer and no one in their right mind would ever deny this happening.
Those who do either have economical/political reasons to do so, or are too stupid and ignorant to accept it.

To me, environmental issues should be of highest priority. Why? Becuase it's a common cause. It doesn't matter if you're black, white, yellow or purple, if you're rich, poor or cheap - everyone needs a sustainable environment.
And trust me when I say that global warming could potentially lead to worse disasters and catastrophies than any war or financial crisis ever would.

global warming has become way too trendy. There are more urgent and concrete environmental issues that are over-shadowed because global warming sounds so cool and exciting, and because Al Gore likes to talk about it. Many of these are local issues, and as such you probably don't know about them unless you live close enough.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Carbon offsets and carbon credits will be one of the biggest government-imposed scams in human history. People forget that the earth goes through climatological cycles, and that's precisely what we're experiencing. We can't change it or stop it. We're not that powerful.

We put a hole in the ozone, we can cause nuclear winter, we can dive to the depths of the ocean and we put men on the moon. At what point don't we have power over the environment, other nations and ourselves?

Perhaps it's just not amazing enough to concieve. Yet here we are using a computer that thinks faster than us, on the internet's bajllions of wires, waystations and weirdness.. an absolute world of information at our fingertips and we're talking global warming science on a pornographic board. That's pretty amazing in a Rube Goldberg kinda way. A huge, complicated way.. to tell some other guy you like tits. These top ten tits in particular. (technically 20 tits. 10 racks. The millionth top-ten topic. ;)
satellite photos of the artic don't lie. the icecaps are shrinking
That the planet is in a generally warming phase isn't in question;when records first began it was at the end of a little ice age so it's hardly surprising what's happened.
There are many natural warming and cooling cycles and there is nothing unusual about our present climate ; it's pretty well where it should be relative to these.
Warming has good and bad points but we can live with it.What is really worrying is the prospect of another ice age which geologically speaking is about due.That would be a disaster.
i think that there may be global patterns that ignore life on the planet , warming and cooling patterns may always be here and have profound effects that we just don't understand presently.
i can't figure out why all the fundamentalist christian republicans can't get behind global warming as a sign that the world is ending...wait...they're the ones who want the world to end...sonofabitch!
Actually, it's the opposite for me: I'd rather smack those tree-hugging, Michael Moore groupie, left-wing Al Gore dicksuckers in the face. :yesyes::hatsoff::thumbsup:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
If Global Warming was a scientific fact and our climates really were getting warmer all over the globe, then why did it snow here in Cleveland not too long ago?

It's May 1st today and the Cleveland area is set to have highs in the 50's this weekend. That's not Spring-like weather if you ask me. It's not warmer either; it's colder.

Global Warming? No, sorry.
A good watch

Rogers is the CEO of Duke Energy, the nation's third largest electric utility. His stacks pump 100 million tons of carbon dioxide every year, which makes what comes out of Rogers' mouth so surprising.

I have a hard time beliving that this does not have some impact on our enviroment, this is just one U.S. energy provider in the U.S. The final verdict will be years away, but I am still concerned.
Actually, it's the opposite for me: I'd rather smack those tree-hugging, Michael Moore groupie, left-wing Al Gore dicksuckers in the face. :yesyes::hatsoff::thumbsup:

Not everyone that supports the theory of global warming is a lefty... :confused:

Guess you are all for stripping trees, mining to oblivion, polluting the water, and stinking up the air with toxins.

We used to have laws in the country to protect water and the air that we all require for life. Reagan and "W" stripped allot of the laws away for the sake of big business and profits.
Because the Earth's climate is always changing. That is the only thing we know for a fact. The rest is all theory and hyperbole.

The earth's climate DOES change periodically. But NOT overnight, like we're seeing. It changes over a span of hundreds of years.
Actually, it's the opposite for me: I'd rather smack those tree-hugging, Michael Moore groupie, left-wing Al Gore dicksuckers in the face. :yesyes::hatsoff::thumbsup:

as opposed to those douchebag conservative pro-torture, pro-war rush limbaugh-loving dicksuckers
as opposed to those douchebag conservative pro-torture, pro-war rush limbaugh-loving dicksuckers

Well, kind of hard to classify me as such when I voted for Nader and Baldwin in the past. :D Pro-war? Me? Not even close. I would classify myself more along the lines of isolationist, neutral stance type people. :)