Anyone Date Someone That Just Wasn't Right...In The Head!


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
So folks care to share some stories....I dated this one girl who was very much into the occult and paranormal. Almost to the point were she was claiming possesion and clairvoyancy....Things got out of hand when she said she could talk to the dead. Needless to say I veer very much away from women that have antique ouija boards these days.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I think the furry probably tops it for me *shudder*.
AHHH, yes. The ever so crazy bitch from girlfriends past.
I had a girl live with me for 7 months and she literally didn't leave the house. I'd go out to eat with friends or family WITHOUT her, because I didn't "warn" her ahead of time. She wanted to know a day in advance :facepalm:
I hated this girl and I don't know why I stayed with her for as long as I did but eventually I just snapped.
She would also LITERALLY cry if I woke up outa bed and hopped on the computer to play some games in the middle of the night.
There is much more things I can rant on about but I honestly don't even want to think of it for fear of punching a kitten
Oh yeah!! There have been a few over the years....this one sticks out in my mind. She had a whole pantry stocked with creamy peanut butter...and like to smear it on her pussy and have me eat her out, and clean it all up....was pretty cool.

The relationship ended though because her German Shepperd would growl at me all the time.....piss in my shoes laying on the floor.....and grab my clothes and hide them.

Not sure why he hated me so much :dunno:
I had an girlfriend who pretended to be a stranger on an old forum I used to visit. She would send private messages and attempt to get me to cheat on her(but it was obviously her, besides, I would never have done that).

Before that though she would search through my computer every chance she got. She found a folder with a few pictures of women in bikinis I had once used as backgrounds. (They had been saved without my knowledge, I store my Porn stored on external HDs ;-) But finding these Safe For Work pictures caused her to cry for weeks, even though I deleted the folder in front of her and apologized immediately after.

That shit got old real quick.
not 'dated' as much as had 'stay over' frequently... anyways, this one night we went to sleep and she made a point to set the alarm because she had a yoga class to teach in the morning. Well long story short, we missed the alarm. She finally wakes up and asks why the sun is up, and upon realizing the time starts crying because she missed her class. All normal up to this point. Then she grabs her stuff and starts walking out of the house, where she decides to sit down on my kitchen floor and start punching herself!! I got freaked out because I don't need a beaten up girl in my house (especially if I didn't do it lol) but yeah, that was the last time I ever called her up
Went blind as a wingman for a buddy of mine on a double date. This girl, I was assigned, kept talking about why she couldn't find the right tampon. And kept talking about tampons all night. She even pulled a piece of cardboard out of her purse that she said came with the tampon she was using. She talked about it, and stuck it in her drink and took a sip.

Lets just say, I made my ringtone go off, and got the hell out of there.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
This was a couple of years ago. Through a trusted dating service I meet a black woman. I am white. We dated for a few months and she moves in with me. Things are so good that I may marry her. Election time comes and we don't see eye to eye. I am conservative and do not support Baracks positions. All of a sudden I am prejudice. I can name 5 black people off the top of my head better to lead this country. Election day comes and I am not there throwing confetti for her. A few days later she packs her shit and out the door.

I will post about my next date. It gets better.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Why is it that the most beautiful women are always extremely fucked up in the head? What is that about? I wonder what it would be like to date someone normal. I doubt I'll ever find out.

Remember and live by these three simple words: bitches be crazy.