As we both know Switzerland was able to maintain neutrality (of sorts anyway), but thats digressing further.
Yeah, Swiss neutrality.... what a steaming mound of horse shit. Not choosing to stand against the Nazis was cowardice in some eyes or a browbeating (by Germany) nearly bloodless takeover to others. And to this day it continues, not as neautrality at all, but a complete and utter cowardice - and selfishness and conceit the likes of which this well travelled man has never seen before. (Off topic rant over)
On topic: I don't think that there are many people that really think of the US as the world's police. I think that instead, many people think of the US as vigilant in protecting it's interests around the world, at seemingly any cost.
I was in a "neutral" country (guess where!) where I was astonished by the number of men my age that were completely serious about demanding a vote in US elections when they were argueing (rather assulting) an American friend of mine. They are/were not US citizens, but believed that because of the US influence in their country, which when confronted with later absolutely denied!!!, that they should have a vote.
What that conversation (rather assult of my US friend) proved to me was that even educated, well off men in the first world, still can harbour the same resentment and ignorance as a brainwashed 17yr old suicide jihadist. The action of the jihadist clearly is quite different, but the same root, the same feeling of entitlement, the same helplessness is apparent in both.
From my POV, my own interests (business, financially, commercially and often socially) are dependent on the US. At the same time, the ties back to me (and Italy in this example) are equally dependent. The world is connected by a millipede of tentacles with thousands more everyday. The US is at the root of the tentacles, with most linking to the PacRim and old, stagnant Europe. Sure there are some to Africa, the middle east and S.America, but this is only an illustration.
The illustration is that once you see and become part of the network of tentacles of finance, trade, industry and such, you cannot fight the US because you are also part of it and vice versa. You can, however, still shoot off your (anti US types) mouths about ignorant Americans and stupid Bush......... while conveniently forgetting for an evening that the world is not black and white and probably never was. (Remeber Chavez keeps sending the oil and the US keeps buying it!) I don't think that any of the tentacles can be cut off without it hurting the whole, and my US colleagues all seem to know that.
Let me make one simple example: This is a Dutch based board, run by an Italian and moderated by 4 Americans, one Greek and one Brazilian. Our content is overwhelmingly US produced, but fed around the globe. Our membership is overwhelmingly American too. So, apart from the essentially small local legal differences between most all of us - we all have far far more in common that we do different. Looking for the similarities in us is far more constructive that separating us (as a whole).