Anybody else sick of the music games?

From Guitar Hero to Rock Band to DJ and other variations of the music genre I think they are about to go the way of a rock star turned junkie and just OD.

I just read now there is going to be a Guitar Hero Queen. Next thing you know they will be scraping the bottom of the barrel and come out with a Rock Band Creed. :rolleyes:

Anyone else getting tired of seeing all these music games coming out dime a dozen throughout the year? I've played a little bit of Guitar Hero II and felt so pretentious.

What say you?
For most of the games, I wish they'd stop putting so many recent pop songs in. I was in the majority in that I loved the Beatles Rock Band, and that's probably the most recent one that I liked, although I've got hope for Rock Band 3.
I liked Guitar Hero 3 some, but I can't get excited for any of these new games. If they ever did one dedicated to KISS, Id buy it for sure lol.
I liked it before they started putting so many crap songs in just for the sake of having tough vocals. Playing Beastie Boys 'So whatcha want' is soooooooooooooo fun to play as a band. Sike.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I've got hope for RB3. I still enjoy RB2, the pantera pack reignited my desire to play that game. But there is so many shit songs on there any more its like bullshit overload. I don't care for the beatles, but at least that game made a little sense to make. But greenday??? of all the bullshit to make a game out of they chose that. What a waste of space that shit is. I do agree that the games have gotten stale. Nothing new has been brought to the table since the first RB game. RB3 looks to innovate the genre again though, but we'll see.
I don't have a problem with Rock Band. It's still one of my favorite games to play. Activision are the ones who dragged the genre down.
Man, I was really into DDR.

The thing was DDR you did more than hit buttons. That is all these rock band games are. Rhythm games to me feel like something that should be a mini-game in a good game. Like an RPG.
For most of the games, I wish they'd stop putting so many recent pop songs in. I was in the majority in that I loved the Beatles Rock Band, and that's probably the most recent one that I liked, although I've got hope for Rock Band 3.

That should say minority, (at least on the board).
I like games with variation in music - not one in particular

Yup.I think it's pretty lame to pay full price for a game that is nothing but Metallica songs,or what have you.

I haven't liked any of those games since Guitar Hero 2.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I'd hate to be playing Guitar Hero Phish...what with those 30min song/jams that they are noted fucking arms and fingers would get sore and I am only on the first song.