Anybody collect stuff? Let' see your favorites. Here's some of mine.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Fuck me, he has books, and Doctor Zhivago no less!
I don't collect anything. I've spent too much time living in other countries to have much stuff.
I may relocate to Greece on a trial basis to see if I can build a business there and live there permanently in about a month.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I hate to be that guy, but am I the only one who looks at this thread and gets the impression there is an undertone of "Read between the lines" ?

The array of political books, the random insertion of the gun by the night stand etc?

Nah, I read between those lines too. If I wanted to show pics of my diecast race cars, racing baseball cards, hats and team pit shirts, I doubt I'd drop a picture of my Colt revolvers into the mix. But that's just me. I'm not a true blue, rootin', tootin', shootin', U.S. 'Murican patriot, like the OP. Either that or I'm just not an extreme attention whore who is knocking on insanity's door.

More wood goodness: (Not up to the level of what Sam has, but...)

It's from 1964. It was a gift from my dad to my mom for their anniversary. It's also what represents my baptism into rock-and-roll.I still have it.

Obviously, it's missing the turntable. (I sent it away for repair to Chicago, and never got it's a long story). I have another, similar one I can use for parts to get it up and running again, and plenty of vinyl to play on it.

It will be heard again.....

Elwood... Google the make and model number of your unit and see what comes up. And, go to the Radios section on ebay. I'm sure there is someone who has the parts you need to get it rockin' again.