Any Shin Megami Tensei fans out here ?

For those of you wondering what I'm talking about.
Shin Megami Tensei (also known as 'Megaten') is a Japanese RPG series that came to life in 1987 on the Nintendo Famicom (NES).
In Japan the series is considered to be the no : 3 RPG series. (With Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy being no : 1 & 2.)

Sadly, the series hasn't seen that many publicity outside of Japan, mainly due to the occult and religious overtones in the games' storylines.
Thankfully, there have been several releases outside of Japan, starting with SMT spinoff series Persona, and finally SMT : Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 on PS2.

I myself find the series to be very intruiging.
If you are a fan of RPG's and you want a change of pace after having played so many Final Fantasy games, I recommend you check out the SMT series.

For more info, check : :thumbsup:
Hi, I played the first one on PS2 and found it really great, can you tell me from the old serie, what is the best one so I'll play it on emulator? Thanks!
Holy Hanna !!

2 Fellow SMT fans, sorry for the late reply dudes.

Beliel, I myself am not a big fan of emulators, I prefer to have the real thing.
Of the old series I can recommend you take a look at Shin Megami Tensei 1 & 2 on Mega CD (1) and PS1 (2).

Demi-Fiend, Heeo-Hoo to you as well. (Jack Frost rules)
Devil Summoner is looking good, and I'm looking forward to the real-time action element.

:glugglug: to both of you guys.
I absolutely love SMT. I bought a "I <3 Jack Frost" coffee mug and a black T-Shirt with the SMT pentagram off of I've also contemplated either modding my Xbox or importing a Japanese Xbox just to play Shin Megami Tensei:NINE, but I doubt I will.

I used to think Final Fantasy was the end all, be all of Japanese RPG's...not anymore.

Cheers to all MegaTen fans:glugglug:
Ah yeah dude, I'm planning on getting that SMT Pentagram tattooed on my right-arm.
When it's done I'll show you a pic.

Sadly, I don't know any Japanese, so modding my Xbox to play SMT Nine is otu of the question. Still, its looking good'all the same.

I myself have never been a big Final Fantasy fan except for parts 7 & 8.
Next to that it has always been Suikoden 1 & 2 for me.
But now, SMT is the rpg series for me. :thumbsup:
I only briefly played SMT on SNES once.
I was intrested, but didn't give the game enough time.
That being said, I've been interested in pursuing the series further.

I still like final fantasy, but I have no real interest in going further in the series. I didn't really like FFIX, and HATED FFX. Mainly, the series holds a lot of nostalgic value for me.
Though square has made some other great RPGs that, though they're still linear and story oriented, are a lot more indepth and interesting, i.e. Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, and my favorite, Xenogears. Just something to think about.