For those of you wondering what I'm talking about.
Shin Megami Tensei (also known as 'Megaten') is a Japanese RPG series that came to life in 1987 on the Nintendo Famicom (NES).
In Japan the series is considered to be the no : 3 RPG series. (With Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy being no : 1 & 2.)
Sadly, the series hasn't seen that many publicity outside of Japan, mainly due to the occult and religious overtones in the games' storylines.
Thankfully, there have been several releases outside of Japan, starting with SMT spinoff series Persona, and finally SMT : Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 on PS2.
I myself find the series to be very intruiging.
If you are a fan of RPG's and you want a change of pace after having played so many Final Fantasy games, I recommend you check out the SMT series.
For more info, check : :thumbsup:
Shin Megami Tensei (also known as 'Megaten') is a Japanese RPG series that came to life in 1987 on the Nintendo Famicom (NES).
In Japan the series is considered to be the no : 3 RPG series. (With Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy being no : 1 & 2.)
Sadly, the series hasn't seen that many publicity outside of Japan, mainly due to the occult and religious overtones in the games' storylines.
Thankfully, there have been several releases outside of Japan, starting with SMT spinoff series Persona, and finally SMT : Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 on PS2.
I myself find the series to be very intruiging.
If you are a fan of RPG's and you want a change of pace after having played so many Final Fantasy games, I recommend you check out the SMT series.
For more info, check : :thumbsup: