who doesn't?
I regret that I pissed away all the time I had with my best friend because I was too stupid and fucked up and that I couldn't be the stronger person to help her through all her problems. and for all the people that I selfishly fucked over or didn't consider their feelings during that time.
I regret that I didn't say or do anything about my step-brothers alcoholism, but just ignored it like everyone else.
I regret that I never got the chance to know this girl who died, I don't even know her name. Although, that wasn't my choice, that situation was entirely outside of my hands, I just would have liked to have known her, or rather I wish that I never got to know her the way that I do.
But I'm happy with my life and who I am today. I've overcome anger and fear and I don't regret the things I've done for me, but I only wish I could have done more for other people.