Any Regrets in Life?

I have a few, but I also think I tried to make what I thought where the best decisions I could at the time. Some of them didn't turn out well or luck was against me. Bad things also happened to me from circumstances out of my control, but I can never remember intentionally doing something stupid. At least that somewhat mitigates the bad feelings I have about them.
Thanks, for sharing the regrets. It gives me the chance to learn - what-not-to-do in life. Then too, I will make mistakes and have regrets.

But to borrow and modify Shakespeare, "Mistake, thy name is experience." :D
Wait..I have two....the first is not taking a semester abroad in college...I thought that I would miss something, but in reality I missed the chance of a lifetime.

The second is not hooking up with a friend in college when she asked me out...I knew that it wouldn't work and I didn't want to ruin the friendship. Twenty years later, I regret that I didn't take the chance when given to me. She was really hot.

Neither are big regrets and wouldn't have really changed things much.
yeah not getting to know some family members enough before losing them. Then again i was very young, but still..

its all that comes to mind at the moment


I have 100s of regrets. Would you really want to hear them all? It would make me definitly sound emo.
who doesn't?

I regret that I pissed away all the time I had with my best friend because I was too stupid and fucked up and that I couldn't be the stronger person to help her through all her problems. and for all the people that I selfishly fucked over or didn't consider their feelings during that time.

I regret that I didn't say or do anything about my step-brothers alcoholism, but just ignored it like everyone else.

I regret that I never got the chance to know this girl who died, I don't even know her name. Although, that wasn't my choice, that situation was entirely outside of my hands, I just would have liked to have known her, or rather I wish that I never got to know her the way that I do.

But I'm happy with my life and who I am today. I've overcome anger and fear and I don't regret the things I've done for me, but I only wish I could have done more for other people.
Not seeing much of my father in his last few months before he had a fatal heart attack.

I'll always remember looking at his death certificate; 'Cause of death: Myocardial ischaemia'.

I'll carry that guilt to my grave.

Beyond that: Not having more girlfriends when I was a kid. And not, at the very least, getting a snog and a feel from this cockteasing bitch I knew when I was 16.

Oh yeah; I regret being born, too. Shame I didn't have a choice with that, lol.
It's good to get shit off your chest. I'm sure there is a ton of stuff that everyone is bothered by. If you truly have no regrets then you probably have a really fucking boring life. The important part is to not let that shit eat you up, instead weigh it against the things that you feel proud to have accomplished and be thankful that you have more of them than the other.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I don't know if "regret" would be the correct word to use, but I regret meeting my ex-girlfriend. Ultimately, I let myself self destruct after our bad breakup, but if I never would've met her, then none of it would've happened.