"Everyone watches it", "it's one of the most popular shows on TV".
With all do respect,your friend sounds like an idiot if the only reason that she thinks a show is good is because "everyone watches it",and because it's popular.
I use to watch a lot of wrestling about 7 or so years ago,but I just can't sit and watch it anymore.
Vince McMahon has single handedly ruined wrestling when he bought out WCW.Back when those two were going head to head on Monday nights,it was really good.Not all of the storylines were up to snuff,but at least there was that competition to do new things and try to put on a better show every than the other guys every week.
In the wake of the buy out,WWE had no competition and was just mailing in most of the shows,and over the years it has gotten even worse.The gimmicks and storylines are just unbearable.I use to really love ECW because I really didn't care about the storylines,I just wanted to see someone get maimed,and it usually happened,especially at pay-per-views.I don't get Sci-Fi Channel so I never get to see ECW anymore,not like I would want to now that WWE owns that too.
TNA wrestling was pretty good a couple of years ago,but it seems like the quality of matches just isn't like they used to be from a few years ago.I don't mind the fact that they have a six sided ring,but the cheap ass production quality is kind of a turn off for me.
Anyway,I'm a fan of classic matches but I can really do without all of the terrible storylines that they have nowadays.