First the Vatican boy loving, now this? Let's face it, it's par for the course.


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Bronze Member
First the Vatican boy loving, now this? Let's face it, it's par for the course.

I's gotten to the point where the prosecution is stepping in:

German authorities raid monastery amid abuse scandal

Today there was a press conference whith the special investigator and the head of a jesuit school. The head of the school tried to snake himself out of the situation and said, 'no it wasn't lik ethat', but the special investigator wiped over his mouth by saying:

'You have told me exact this in our interrogation!'

Over hundred kids were abused and beaten in the monastery alone, and the schools are popping over with a more and more ex-scholars coming out of the closet with their own personal stories.

This is one of the biggest reasons why I don't like the fake beliefs. Time to close down those churches.
this kinda thing does seem to follow the same path , the more someone rants n raves the more that person really should have the least to say because the exact thing they rail against happens to be the thing they desire most.
^ Touche. I have come to conclude that men who are vehemently opposed to gay rights and gays in general and even get married to someone of the opposite sex and have children with them are using these as fronts to cloak the fact that deep down to the core of their assholes that they are gay themselves :1orglaugh'


^ Touche. I have come to conclude that men who are vehemently opposed to gay rights and gays in general and even get married to someone of the opposite sex and have children with them are using these as fronts to cloak the fact that deep down to the core of their assholes that they are gay themselves :1orglaugh'

You sound gay...time to come out of the closet.:nono:

And quit bothering those of us that don't support "gay rights", marry hetero women, have hetero (hopefully) children, and are actually not gay like yourself.
In short, the vast majority of us out here...
BTW...did anyone read that post and get what he was actually saying?:confused:
He sounds a frustrated gay lacking the personal courage to come out...
Or just a typical Liberal hater...they sound the same.:2 cents:
It's interesting to note how some NeoCons on this site are posturing as heterosexuals and coming to the defense of hypocritical anti-gay NeoCon politicians who are in reality a bunch of self-loating in the closet homosexuals themselves


I's gotten to the point where the prosecution is stepping in:

German authorities raid monastery amid abuse scandal

Today there was a press conference whith the special investigator and the head of a jesuit school. The head of the school tried to snake himself out of the situation and said, 'no it wasn't lik ethat', but the special investigator wiped over his mouth by saying:

'You have told me exact this in our interrogation!'

Over hundred kids were abused and beaten in the monastery alone, and the schools are popping over with a more and more ex-scholars coming out of the closet with their own personal stories.

This is one of the biggest reasons why I don't like the fake beliefs. Time to close down those churches.

More BS...the article has no actual cases with any actual evidence, just allegations...the investigation has just begun, but Supadupafly has hundreds of victims ...:lame:
Like Zombieland or Day of the come the victims...and just as imaginary.
Priests have been caught...damn few of them. And considering how many good people have been doing "God's Work" for so long, while most of ya'll sit around getting high, working shit jobs and wasting what? And now, like the crazed mobs that movies usually portray , complete with verbal torches and virtual pitchforks, screaming "burn them"! Close the Church!
And then what? Religious Wars? Hunt down all those Perv Nuns and Priests 'til we get them all?
Considering the posters putting all this crap out there, I rest my case, so to speak...
"Move along, folks, nothing to see far".
Anti-gay NeoCons should both stop being anti-gay and genric conservative fiscal hypocrites by embracing their gayness and walk that fiscal conservatism talk :)
^ but he didn't so tragically now he has a lot of fessing up to do to his wife and four children besides the political harm he has done to the gay community that he both loathes and lusts :rolleyes:


Mmmffgergh Blaaaaaa blaa ...grtt hyumpth! Blaaaaaaaa Blaaa mumffregle gesennackl poo poo! YaddaYadda megglesnorf gay Neoblrrrt, Neo Gay snorggle bla bla!!!

Another brilliant Hellraisin post...:sleep:


a self-loating Gay boy...!:rofl::rofl:
Naaa Naaa Naaa!
^ I don't know if i should be flattered by your man-crush on me ;)


^ I don't know if i should be flattered by your man-crush on me ;)

You know I despise you, and this tactic of yours is a stupid as most of your posts...however, if you need to continue by all means do so.

You have already gone done the path of publically revealing your need to come out...