Another Victim of "Casting Couch" Porn!


Lord Dipstick


Was King of the Board for a Day
I read about this earlier. I think the college is just mad that it's not the only one screwing her.
A couple of things...what business is it of theirs what her private behavior is (unless she has amateur status for a sport where some payments can be prohibited) and what was the goober who sent the letter doing to "stumble" across this video that is so vile and disgusting??


Double standard shit....Truth is blokes are just pissed off that most women could easily make money from doing porn whereas for dudes its serious different ball game......Unless your prepared to let some dude shaft you up the ass.
Not too smart of her to use her student card to ID herself, but considering it's (probably) censored & considering that the name of university isn't mentioned in the movie at all, I think they're overreacting.
A couple of things...what business is it of theirs what her private behavior is (unless she has amateur status for a sport where some payments can be prohibited) and what was the goober who sent the letter doing to "stumble" across this video that is so vile and disgusting??

I actually agree with you here....(I know, I know)....I had the same thought.....what was this alumnus doing in the first place? And who fucking cares what she does in her own time? Unless it specifically states somewhere in the scholarship paperwork what she can and can't do, I don't think there's shit they can do to her.

If she was running for Miss America, yeah, game over. She's a college student. BFD.

I only wish that when I was living in the dorms there were more girls like her! :D

*side note* Gonna go see if if I can track down that vid.....she looks pretty good!


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
What is a Collage? Is that a bunch of photos cut out and pasted on something?


Please Jerk Responsibly
"The Board said it had never received the letter, and Elizabeth claimed the scholarship had not been revoked. She is still attending the university and living in a dormitory."

a so-called "non-story" ?

btw: it's Backroom Casting Couch (as if ASU didn't give it away)


Lord Dipstick
"The Board said it had never received the letter, and Elizabeth claimed the scholarship had not been revoked. She is still attending the university and living in a dormitory."

a so-called "non-story" ?

btw: it's Backroom Casting Couch (as if ASU didn't give it away)

Link? :dunno:
A couple of things...what business is it of theirs what her private behavior is (unless she has amateur status for a sport where some payments can be prohibited) and what was the goober who sent the letter doing to "stumble" across this video that is so vile and disgusting??

I want to know who the snitch is too. What does it matter to that person that he/she recognize or know made a porn video? This is no different than bullying to be honest.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
See? The truth is out there.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
A couple of things...what business is it of theirs what her private behavior is (unless she has amateur status for a sport where some payments can be prohibited) and what was the goober who sent the letter doing to "stumble" across this video that is so vile and disgusting??

It's America. Didn't you realize your business is everyone else's? Especially when it comes to filthy, obscene stuff like....*gasp* porn.

Not too smart of her to use her student card to ID herself, but considering it's (probably) censored & considering that the name of university isn't mentioned in the movie at all, I think they're overreacting.

Nope, not the smartest thing to do. However, a lot of girls aren't the smartest when it comes to a.) not using their real names b.) realizing that once the scene is shot...there's no turning back.
the best part is her explaining herself when she used to model and has been asked to do porn. quote "I was like No, I have morals". lol
Not too smart of her to use her student card to ID herself, but considering it's (probably) censored & considering that the name of university isn't mentioned in the movie at all, I think they're overreacting.
"Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm off to a great start at ASU. I've made lots of friend and I even have a boyfriend! (Yes, grades are good too). Everything in my life is perfect! I want to make some extra money, so I'm going to a modeling job interview! I just sent them a photo of myself and they said that I, "have potential!" I'm soooo excited!! I'll email you after the interview. Wish me luck!!


Libby " lol