It's funny, me and my wife were watching some South Parks on netflix the other night. For you married men get your wife to watch the shale weight episode, fucking hilarious, but I digress. The relevant episode was discussing the whole facebook thing. One of the kids didnt want to belong to facebook. Me and my wife looked over at each other and we were both glad we have never signed up for facebook or done that stupd twatter thing. The way the social media sites are protrayed it makes it feel like we as citizens should use them because our status will be huge in america. I could careless if anyone ever knows I drink a certain kind of coffee at this particular time of day, or if I like this thing someone posted.
I once heard on t.v. someone said, and I'm paraphrasing, " Most of my friends on face book are the people in highschool I hated, why should I even use facebook?". I was at this shitty job and couldnt stanbd a single soul at the company, they were all shallow little asshats. They were all constantly bugging me to join facebook so they could play farmville or some stupid mafia game with them. If I want to play a game I am going to through in one of my triple A titles on my 360 or PS3. Oh heaven forbid I should say I like video games and be labeled a geek for that, but playing some dumb little game on a social media site is "cool". Fucking retarded, the collective we have gotten this deludid sense of self worth and have become so self centered and egotistycal. My wife was flipping through the stations last night and came across this E show about the "top 10 shows on E". One little snip it had one of the big butted Kardashians saying "I want to take over the world". Its pathetic that we have let a no talented ass-hat of a family become inbedded in our culture. If there are aliens buzzing buy and picking up our signals they must think how fucking moronic we have become as a civilization to follow this kind of crap. We have made a family of girls into this media frenzy and the only worth they have is thier ass's and tit's. Hell a porn star atleast realises she is just in it cause we lust after her.
Wow sorry guys, I went off the deep end just then and threw a hold wall of text up. Yeah I'll crawl back under my bridge for awhile.