Anna Ohura


It's good to be the king...
Dro50 said:
Hair on pussy isn't too bad but jungles can be a turn off

its a jungle i think because in japan they can't show snatch. at least thats my understanding.
i think they actually photoshop more hair over it or just black it out and we can barely tell.
It's just not part of the culture there. Trust me I've asked. That wave just hasn't hit there yet, but it will. Usually, when I was with a girl, I asked her to shave and she did, but seemed confused why I found it more attractive than a bushy bush. :2 cents:
so the trend of men deep-seeded pedophilic urges will soon hit japan? the shaving thing is ridiculous

Well, actually a major reason why pornstars in the west shave is because it looks better on film - you can see what's going on better. That's also a chief reason why pornstars don't do it in Japan, since they have to obscure the whole area with a mosaic anyway having the hair there means they don't have to obscure as much.

Let's not get into the whole hair vs shaved thing. Both attractions are kind of weird if you really think about it.