Anime (Including CG, Western Animation) you're currently watching

Currently hooked on High-rise Invasion. Came out earlier this year, based on a manga. Good mix of action, story and a sprinkling of ecchi.


For the EMPEROR!!
Been watching Samurai Jack again. Man I love that show.
Speaking of Samurais, Star Wars Visions has the dream combo of SW in medieval Japan. Appropriate since the original Star Wars was based on the Samurai film "The Hidden Fortress".

Also digging Rick & Morty!
I've started Isekai Shokudou (Restaurant to another world), and it's a perfect show to watch during dinner 🍝🍜🍲🍛





OG Transformers will always be special to me, so I can't help but smile when I see a toy like this


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Summertime render (time loop mystery on island)

Bofuri "I don't want to get hurt so I'll max out my defense" (ever play an mmo? Put that in vr. Then let a lucky noob play it and luck out during early testing with a pure defense build. She can't run. She can't hit hard. But she never takes any damage, so she has to think creatively with what little she has. Quick and cute.)
I'm looking to get into some more "mainstream" anime which I never got around to. Between:

My Hero Academia
Demon Slayer
Chainsaw man
Jujutsu Kaisen
Sword Art online

which would you suggest & why?
With the recent passing of Toriyama Akira, I've been re-watching some of my favorite Dragon Ball episodes.

This was one of my favourite anime songs, and it seems perfectly appropriate: