Fancy meeting you here Angie. The internet world is truly a small place.
I discovered this site just over a month ago. It covers everything, from my ultimate desires to things I would prefer not to see.
I'd like to class myself as a "boob-man", I love them to be big and natural, that's why Ashley is my avatar. I am also a member at AbbyWinters and GirlsOutWest, I love both sites mainly because they are largely female run and they allow amateur girls to explore and express their sexuality in a way that few other sites around achieve.
Without a doubt, Australia has some amazing girls like Petria, Chloe B, Anneke, Paula, Sue-Ann, Rosanna, Indiana, Cleo and not forgetting yourself. I've just downloaded and watched parts of your vid with Paula. She's sooooooooooo beautiful, isn't she.
Someone has started a Chloe thread.
You might want to check out your own profile on Freeones.
You should also check out Prophecy's excellent Big Tit Directory of naturally busty girls. I requested that you should be added a few weeks ago.
I just found this purely by chance.