Andy Rooney’s Thoughts on Women Over 40


It's good to be the king...

[edit] Apologies - I thought this was a thread about Wayne Rooney's thoughts on Women Over 40.
But we definitely don't want to go there (nosiree)...:D
Well I am a 33 year old married to an over 40 woman. All I can say is while younger might have more energy she wouldn't care for me as much. More so if your talking the 18 to say 24 year olds.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I think that women over 40 are better than the youngins for one reason and one reason only...

They're usually grown up and have past the "HE HE HE, I just want to fuck everybody I can and have fun" stage of their life.
I prfer a hot 30-40 years old woman with a high experience sex drive than some hot 20 years old woman with a not so high experience sex drive, this is just me.