Getting close to Easter so I can see Andi getting a rabbit. Not the rabbit I was thinking, but I am sure it will make her happy. :lovebunny: I wonder who was lucky enough to lick the cake off the birthday girl's butt. :drool2:
As some of you may remember / know, back in 2013 Andi decided to go back to school:
"That’s right, school is back in session! After nearly 10 years of procrastinating and keeping busy pursuing other interests, I’ve finally decided it’s time to get some post secondary education underway and start working toward a degree. I chose mostly psychology related courses, because I find the subject matter so interesting. Time will tell whether I stick with it, or transfer to a different faculty. However, I’m told that a BA or BSc in Psych is essentially useless in terms of finding a career in the psych field, but who knows… if I’m ambitious enough, I may eventually go for my MA or MSc! But I’ll cross that bridge when I get there, it’s a long way off… especially since I’m only a part time student for now. Don’t forget that I still have a super awesome website to run and maintain, which keeps me plenty busy in itself. 8)" (