And This is How Obama Remembers 9/11?

Warning: GOP link used as source here. :D

When Michelle Malkin wrote yesterday of the plans by Barack Obama's White House to address school children across the nation and get them "thinking about" Obama, it really struck a nerve with our readers. He and his team have no limits on what they will do or say in order to inject socialist views into the minds of Americans.

But, it doesn't stop there. They also have absolutely no respect or appreciation for the American way and the sacrifices American's have made in order to stay free and to promote the American way of life across the globe. Just take the latest effort being pitched at Rather than remembering the Americans who lost their lives during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Obama's political team wants you to make phone calls on 9-11 to fight back against "Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists."

Many thanks goes out to The Heritage Foundation for casting light on what Obama is doing at his political web site (which goes by the name "Organizing for America"). After pointing out what Obama and his team were doing, the web page shown below was taken down.

Click for larger image

On the page, the Obama political team is advertising a "Health Care Organizing Event." This is how they choose to remember those lost on 9-11???

Supporters are asked to stay home and make two phone calls to their "State Senators." They are referring to U.S. senators, of course, but their lack of knowledge is nothing compared to what they write next. The web page recalls that Friday, September 11 is Patriot Day, which the page notes is "designated in memory of the nearly three thousand who died in the 9/11 attacks."

That statement REALLY gets to me. Why? Because it would be one thing if these people were making a health care push on 9-11 and were just too stupid to realize it was on a national day of remembrance. However, they fully know what day it is, and then they write this:

All 50 States are coordinating in this -- as we fight back against our own Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists who are subverting the American Democratic Process, whipped into a frenzy by their Fox Propaganda Network ceaselessly re-seizing power for their treacherous leaders.

This is absolutely outrageous, and this is exactly what was written on Obama and his team are using all means to get out their message on health care... even resorting to spamming e-mail messages. Yet, when the opposition tries to get its message out, that is labeled as "subverting the American democratic process." This is crazy!

But of course, the major blow is the comparison of conservatives opposed to Obama's health scare plan to members of al Qaeda who flew planes into buildings and killed thousands of Americans. Do Obama and his "friends" have no shame?

Again, this message was coming from, the campaign arm of the Obama White House. Can you imagine if something similar were posted on when Bush was president?

The complete lack of comprehension to what the events of 9-11-2001 did to this country makes me sick. I was there! I saw Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. People died. And this is how Obama and his supporters remember them? Outrageous!

Obama truly does have a new vision for America. And it is so different from the America I grew up in. Hopefully people will "burn up the phone lines" as the web site suggests. But, instead of calling senators, people should call Obama and let him know that what we "hope" for is a "change" in leadership!

I think it's kind of disrespectful. I don't know, I'd have to get other opinions. The fact that the page was taken down from Obama's website at least suggests it was in poor taste. :dunno: Looks like healthcare reform is going to make or break Mr. President. :D
Obama only cares about continuing to campaign and his Marxist agenda. He does not care about the people, only his agenda. He is no different than the past two POTUS we have had. Only that he is way more on tract with his mission then the past two guys.

When will you guys realized this is not about D and R. Its about being a free people vs govt oppression.


obama: same shit, different colour.

9/11: yes it was horribly bad, yes the firefighters, police, civilian victims etc should be remembered, BUT EVERY OTHER COUNTRY ON THIS EARTH WOULD HAVE STOPPED WHINING ABOUT IT BY NOW. IT'S BEEN 8 YEARS. GET OVER IT. if my grandparents had bitched and moaned this long then germany wouldn't have been rebuilt after '45, japan would still be paralysed by two atomic bombs instead of being the world's leading economy, and londoners would still live in fear of the blitz.
you lost two buildings, and your government's headquarters... i mean, your defense department (as if there were a difference) but act is if the whole country went down.
i know this is in large part due to media hysteria and politicians that try to exploit every tragedy to get some more votes, but please pull yourselves together.
obama: same shit, different colour.

9/11: yes it was horribly bad, yes the firefighters, police, civilian victims etc should be remembered, BUT EVERY OTHER COUNTRY ON THIS EARTH WOULD HAVE STOPPED WHINING ABOUT IT BY NOW. IT'S BEEN 8 YEARS. GET OVER IT. if my grandparents had bitched and moaned this long then germany wouldn't have been rebuilt after '45, japan would still be paralysed by two atomic bombs instead of being the world's leading economy, and londoners would still live in fear of the blitz.
you lost two buildings, and your government's headquarters... i mean, your defense department (as if there were a difference) but act is if the whole country went down.
i know this is in large part due to media hysteria and politicians that try to exploit every tragedy to get some more votes, but please pull yourselves together.

It was the worst perpetrated mass death of citizens in world history. Don't forget, you had people from your country in that building too. Do you not pay homage to the unbelievably unthinkable horror they suffered on that day?


It was the worst perpetrated mass death of citizens in world history. Don't forget, you had people from your country in that building too. Do you not pay homage to the unbelievably unthinkable horror they suffered on that day?

uh, what? ever heard of hiroshima, nagasaki, dresden, my lai... then there's this american thing called slavery? and where are all the natives? there used to be millions around here, but now they just sniff glue and operate casinos...
uh, what? ever heard of hiroshima, nagasaki, dresden, my lai... then there's this american thing called slavery? and where are all the natives? there used to be millions around here, but now they just sniff glue and operate casinos...

The point is he's using the day to further his agenda.


i'm not saying the victims shouldn't be remembered, but look... all these blowhards wrap themselves in your flag and call themselves patriots because they wear black on 9/11 and have a little flag on their tie, but they won't investigate why all the firefighters or cops died, or even how they died. your ex-president banned an investigation into 9/11 that was paid for by the victim's families. how is that patriotic, or honouring their memory? i think that is more like spitting in their faces.
It was the worst perpetrated mass death of citizens in world history. Don't forget, you had people from your country in that building too. Do you not pay homage to the unbelievably unthinkable horror they suffered on that day?

You're kidding I hope. 9/11 is not even close to the worst in history.

The point is he's using the day to further his agenda.

And what's wrong with that.
It was the worst perpetrated mass death of citizens in world history. Don't forget, you had people from your country in that building too. Do you not pay homage to the unbelievably unthinkable horror they suffered on that day?

Death tolls:

Nuclear attack on Hiroshima:

Immediate: 70,000
After: 90,000 to 140,000

(talk about horror)

Total by average: (90,000+140,000)/2+70,000 = 185,000

Nuclear attack on Nagasaki:

Immediate: 40,000 to 75,000

Total by average: (40,000+75,000)/2 = 57,500

September 11 attacks: 3,017

3,017 is 1.63% of 185,000
3,017 is 5.25% of 57,500

Saying "It was the worst perpetrated mass death of citizens in world history" is an insult to all those tens of millions of human beings who died for the lust of power of a handful off people.


i'm not saying the victims shouldn't be remembered, but look... all these blowhards wrap themselves in your flag and call themselves patriots because they wear black on 9/11 and have a little flag on their tie, but they won't investigate why all the firefighters or cops died, or even how they died. your ex-president banned an investigation into 9/11 that was paid for by the victim's families. how is that patriotic, or honouring their memory? i think that is more like spitting in their faces.

There is no need to they died becasue the building collapased while they were trying to get to the people trapped inside.
I know it's not really part of what this thread is about but I find their complaint about Obama addressing school children to be highly ironic and amusing looking at their point of view. They claim it might be brainwashing the children in public school or obliging the youngest children in our public school system to agree with our President's initiatives or be ostracized by their teachers and classmates, yet when it comes to things like The Pledge of Allegiance, school prayer, or having The Ten Commandments posted in those schools many of those people have no problem with that at all. Even if the opponents of those things use some of the almost exact same reasoning for not wanting it that they have for not wanting the president to address school children and direct class activities.


I know it's not really part of what this thread is about but I find their complaint about Obama addressing school children to be highly ironic and amusing looking at their point of view. They claim it might be brainwashing the children in public school or obliging the youngest children in our public school system to agree with our President's initiatives or be ostracized by their teachers and classmates, yet when it comes to things like The Pledge of Allegiance, school prayer, or having The Ten Commandments posted in those schools many of those people have no problem with that at all. Even if the opponents of those things use some of the almost exact same reasoning for not wanting it that they have for not wanting the president to address school children and direct class activities.

how is the Pledge of Allegiance brainwashing?
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all".


Hiliary 2020
Nobodys whining about 9/11.
And who cares if it was the biggest mass murder of civilians or not.
The simple truth is that the country was attacked and thousands of people died painful, traumatic deaths.Millions were affected.
And some of you are actually having a pissing contest over it?

The post is about
Obama using 9/11 to promote his forced government takeover of the health system and referring to the opposition of this as "right wing terrorist" is to me, disgusting.

In his own words, he really is transforming America..... or at least trying.
The question is do those on the recieving end now have more numbers than those who are being/going to be raped do, and if not, will the rapies have the courage and sense to stop it, or are they too busy working or scared of being called a terrorist or racist for not agreeing with him

And STd, your post shows that your are just a punk
how is the Pledge of Allegiance brainwashing?
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all".

Not even having to taking the whole "under God" part of it into account, which is borderline religious indoctrination, when you have a government that encourages small children keep repeating they are going to "pledge their allegiance" before they have any concept of what that really means that seems like a minor form of brainwashing to me.


Hiliary 2020
Not even having to taking the whole "under God" part of it into account, which is borderline religious indoctrination, when you have a government that encourages small children keep repeating they are going to "pledge their allegiance" before they have any concept of what that really means that seems like a minor form of brainwashing to me.

D- you are right.
I think God Bless America would be better than the Pledge.