Obama was and is the president of the minorities (see attachment of obama's approval per race) not the white people's president. If you dislike the whites this much and prefer minorities to them, then you are an antiwhite racist. Discrimination doesn't go in one direction but in both. The government and several people hate Obama for several reasons and you will never force them to like him. Obama has only 39% of positive approval, the rest of the people 61% think he is a total fuck up not without reasons. I am glad to see the Obamacare getting fucked up.Lets see, a black man in a country with a majority of black citizens who were treated like animals was taking on the tyranny of the white regime. I think we would all be doing everything possible to eliminate that regime. He grew older and wiser and decided those were incorrect tactics to try and end the racist policies of his country's government. He did more for racial equality than anyone on this planet including A Lincoln. For the teat party voters who were clearly disappointed by the senators favorable opinion of Mandela was sickening. And the best part is the steering of this topic towards Obamacare. So typical of the right to sweep their core beliefs that are knowingly radical under a rug to create a diversion away from their agenda.