Anal scenes


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Try your local public library that's where I go when I can't find something


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Because they're whiny pussies who don't know what's good for them.

Wouldn't it be that their whiny assholes don't know what's good for them? :D

Honestly, though, I have never seen a subject as beaten to death on this board (except perhaps the AZ immigration law) from people who are upset because so-and-so doesn't do anal scenes. Is this some singular trait that anal scene lovers share? Sure seems like it to me.

Oh well....I couldn't care less so back to the debate.
I agree with you Jagger69, and I am a anal scene lover. The only thing you will ever hear me really complaining about is a porn star that isn't passionate about her scenes.


Member, you member...
Eventually, they all do when the money's right.

I remember a men's mag years ago that had an Aurora Snow interview in which she stated that she would never do anal.
Guess what.
agreed with JOD...i never thought Lisa Ann would go anal...
You Know a lot of chicks are just not into it because either they had a bad experience or it just plain hurts too much. As with anyone if you make it pleasurable for them its possible to ease the chick into it, but a lot of chicks in porn do it first in their personal lives then introduce it in their professional lives.

I mean these people and not the other girls
It's a matter of decision mate, some of these girls probably promised their loved ones that they're asses will not be ripped by no other man, or maybe they just want you to wait, so the moment they do their first anal, you'll definitely buy their DVD (mo' money). And probably there are other reasons that we might just not be thinking about, but they are.