An Example of the US' Greatness and Opportunity


At the helm of a U.S. warship, a Vietnam refugee comes home

By David J. Carter, Stars and Stripes
Pacific edition, Saturday, November 7, 2009

Cmdr. Hung Ba Le, left, commanding officer of the guided-missile destroyer USS Lassen, discusses the ship's position during operations at sea Wedneday. Le, the first Vietnamese-American to command a U.S. Navy ship, is returning to the country of his birth for the first time in 34 years.

YOKOSUKA NAVAL BASE, Japan — As South Vietnam crumbled under advancing North Vietnamese forces 34 years ago, 5-year-old Hung Ba Le and his family escaped and eventually found refuge on a U.S. Navy ship.

This week, he returns to the land of his birth for the first time. And it is a U.S. Navy ship — the guided-missile destroyer USS Lassen that he commands — that will take him there.

On April 30, 1975, Saigon’s fall was imminent. Le’s father, a South Vietnamese navy officer, had just assumed command of the Nha Be Naval Support Activity Base after learning the previous commander left the country without warning.

He led his sailors until the last possible moment. But finding himself unable to communicate with his headquarters and fearing the impending collapse of the government, he ordered his men to go home and be with their families.

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He's become the enemy? :dunno:

He is just a chip off the old block.

"On April 30, 1975, Saigon’s fall was imminent. Le’s father, a South Vietnamese navy officer, had just assumed command of the Nha Be Naval Support Activity Base after learning the previous commander left the country without warning. "
Inspiring story, but then again, this country is full of them, most of them are not as prominent as that, from a kid who emigrated with his parents to pick fruit and later on grew up to be a prominent enterpreneur in his own community, to this one that became a commanding officer in a naval ship. Opportunities like that truly is what makes this country great. (yes, this country gives you an OPPORTUNITY, NOT A GUARANTEE of success)
(yes, this country gives you an OPPORTUNITY, NOT A GUARANTEE of success)

That sort of deceptive. It only appears to give everybody an opportunity because the public is a lot more likely to hear about the couple of success stories and not the thousands, tens of thousands or maybe even hundreds of thousands of people that didn't make it for everybody one that did, AND HAD NO REASONABLE CHANCE OF SUCCESS from the start.


That sort of deceptive. It only appears to give everybody an opportunity because the public is a lot more likely to hear about the couple of success stories and not the thousands, tens of thousands or maybe even hundreds of thousands of people that didn't make it for everybody one that did, AND HAD NO REASONABLE CHANCE OF SUCCESS from the start.

That's right they had no chance. But through hard work and determination they made it. Unlike now where everyone wants everything handed to them.
That's right they had no chance. But through hard work and determination they made it. Unlike now where everyone wants everything handed to them.

I had the pleasure of working with an older retired Navy commander when I was just out of school... he was telling me one night over dinner how when he first enlisted in the Navy, being black was pretty tough. But he knew he had to do a better job than anyone else to get any respect, and that's exactly what he did. Obviously he ended up becoming an officer and was one of the smartest, nicest gentlemen I've ever know. The word inspirational is thrown around a lot, but this guy was certainly that and more.

BTW, he also said that there is no reason why anyone can't make it today after he did way back during a time when there was "real" racism, and I agree with him. He claimed that too many people blame others today for what they are failing to do... again, I agree. :thumbsup:
That sort of deceptive. It only appears to give everybody an opportunity because the public is a lot more likely to hear about the couple of success stories and not the thousands, tens of thousands or maybe even hundreds of thousands of people that didn't make it for everybody one that did, AND HAD NO REASONABLE CHANCE OF SUCCESS from the start.

Like I said, there is no guarantee to success. That's up to you. When you fail, analyze what went wrong, try something else or a different way.


his name is hung. he spends his time on a ship filled with seamen (say it out loud.)

i tried my best, but i couldn't resist...


Closed Account
The USS New York is now completed. It was built out of the metal they took from the World Trade Centre buildings.


I had the pleasure of working with an older retired Navy commander when I was just out of school... he was telling me one night over dinner how when he first enlisted in the Navy, being black was pretty tough. But he knew he had to do a better job than anyone else to get any respect, and that's exactly what he did. Obviously he ended up becoming an officer and was one of the smartest, nicest gentlemen I've ever know. The word inspirational is thrown around a lot, but this guy was certainly that and more.

BTW, he also said that there is no reason why anyone can't make it today after he did way back during a time when there was "real" racism, and I agree with him. He claimed that too many people blame others today for what they are failing to do... again, I agree. :thumbsup:

100% agreed. IMO the military is the only place left in America when you can get ahead based on your actions now by what you think is "owed" to you.