An error? or am I wrong?

This is about Klara Smetanova/Dolezalova. In her bio on both freeones & modelshrines it says that she's Hungarian. In the bio on Eurobabeindex (Klara S) it says that she's Czech.

Being 2 against one I'd say freeones and modelshrines are right, howver, there are only 2 countries of which I'm certain the men and women have 'different' last names. Those countries are the Czech republic and Russia (I'm not sure about Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia). Hungary does not use feminized (is this even a correct word?) last name.

Also, if you search for Klara Dolezalova on google, you get mainly Czech sites and no Hungarian sites.

So my question is, who's right? (And did I discover a mistake or not?)
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i believe bulgaria also feminizes surnames. also wouldn't be surprised if slovakia or a few other central/eastern european countries do either. and i asked a polish girl once why her suffix was -ska, rather than-ski, she said it's because she was a girl. i do know that sometimes upon entering the usa people do away with that tradition for the sake of convenience, and at other times are just processed wrong. but info ive been given may be wrong, perhaps ill investigate further.
and: ive seen maria swan listed as german one place and czech other places. and she's featured at polish busty, which is supposed to feature polish girls. and ashley robbins listed as many different nationalities, as well. there're other models, too, that don't spring to mind right now. so my guess is it's a mistake, but we'd probably have to ask her, which is most certainly easier said than done.

ive been thinking the same thing about a few models, cool of you to bring it up.
Slight mistake on my side, Former USSR, not Russia. It could be (& is even probable) that the Ukraine, Georgia, Kazachstan and former parts of the USSR have different last names. Don't know about Bulgaria (very probable, I think they have the same cultural background as the Russians). With the Poles it only applies when the male last name ends with -ski, -cki or -dzki & it becomes -ska , -cka or -dzka.

(best link i could find, although a lot of countries are still missing, including the Czech republic)