Amy Reid Site HELP PLZ

I joined Amy Reid site but theres only 3 pages of content any 1 else have this problem coz i faught amy would have loads of pages of content plz help... She has only a few videos...plz help

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Help? What do you want us to do? I can't add more content. Send an angry letter to your congressman or post disparaging messages on her site's forum. One of those two should get some results.

You bumped after one minute. You Might consider waiting a little while before bumping next time. The mods tend to frown on that. Generally, they break your legs or have you shot after repeat offenses...
i did the 3 dollars for 2 days full access thing and i downloaded all the content in that time but i was surprised at the fact there wasn't alot of material there