Not surprising....there is so much disinformation about socialism that the confusion has become widespread in the USA. So much so, in fact, that the Cabot Phillips guy in the Fox News clip who was playing the role of resident expert got it wrong as well! He defined socialism as "the government collectivizing means of production and taking hold of the economy....deciding who the winners and losers are". What?? "Winners and losers"??? In a pure socialistic economy, there are no winners or losers....everyone is equal. Actually, this would be describing a communist that encompasses socialism to the degree that all resources would be taken from each according to his ability and all would then be given to each according to his need. The people (aka government, proletariat....whatever you wish to call it) would own, control and distribute all goods and services. To the best of my knowledge, no nation anywhere in recorded history has successfully implemented such an economic system. It's a theory, not a practice. In practical application, all nations are socialistic to some degree and some are much more so than others. The USA is already a socialistic economy to no small extent but significantly less so than a nation such as Sweden or even the UK. Socialism and capitalism can and almost always do coexist within the same economic framework. Historic national governments as politically and economically diverse as the USA, Soviet Russia, Communist China & Nazi Germany all have or, at some point, had this trait in common. The socialistic element can be applied as much or as little as required or isn't an all-or-nothing consideration. The term "socialism" does indeed get an undeserved bad rap in my view due to its propagandized connection with authoritarian dictatorships of the past such as Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Russia. Neither of those two governments were purely socialistic although Russia certainly was to a much greater degree than Germany.