"she said she looked every where starting with lessons from youtube..."
Um...wow, sounds like she did some serious "research" before making her big leap of faith.
Here's what I think. I think, unfortunately, both Christianity and Islam seem to be priming the fundamentalist zealots in their ranks, which does no good for anyone. Holy War is the big thing now, and it's repulsive. People are appealing to the very lowest common denominator in others to recruit them into their extremist clubs. The girl would have been better off going agnostic, just searching for spiritual fulfillment on her own, rather than signing up with an Organized Religion. Too many of them have a lot of rot at their cores. I'm fine with those who worship and practice their faith quietly with no big carnival (and no, that doesn't mean I expect them to forget about it on political matters), but I'm fed up with the varying factions (Muslim, Christian, Jewish), which seem to be increasing in number, that are constantly trying to outdo others in their levels of earnest devotion, and claims to possessing the One, True, Revealed Truth. I've known far too many Christians like that, but the fundamentalist Muslims are at least as annoying. I know a local Muslim - fairly liberal, not extremist, against terrorist acts, etc. - who tried to convince me, ridiculously, that Islam has been scientifically proven to be the only One, True Faith. It's science, he told me. I had a hard time restraining my laughter. But then, that's hardly any better than the right-wing born-again Christians with their "cuz the Bible says so" tripe.
The girl should just learn to live with life's uncertainties and not feel obliged to sign up with some religion.