LOL...Maybe I am from Czech, but I have been working in England to earn money for my lil´ machine. I don´t know about the other guys, but I just wanted to buy somthing that will last for a year or two, so I bought the best what was on market that day ( two weeks after then nVIDIA presented 7800, you can imagine my anger

) ...
I liked ATI ( don´t ask me why ) before I bought their first card ( 9600 SL 128 MB ), but when I was in shop no ATI card supported Pixel Shader 3.0 so I chose nVIDIA. I don´t care about 2048x2048 textures neither, because I like FPS, and I don´t have time to sit down and observe. Their fight full of pipelines, texels per second and rendering units? Who cares? I want to see the performance in games. So, right now, I don´t prefer any manufacturer. but Intel video cards really sucks a lot. They have to focus on CPUs. avatar is Angry Guy and it is a GIF animation, but when I uploaded it here it is a still image. Don´t ask me why. :crash: :dunno:
About Ageia PhysX and stuff. Is it really necessary? Follow me - I have 5200 MHz dual core CPU, that is 2x 2600 MHz CPU. Lot of games in these days ( including new ones ) doesn´t support DualCores and are crashing or acting weird ( very slow or very fast game, unexpected crashes, sometimes doesn´t even start ) so I have to start the games on one CPU ( ex. Serious Sam II, pretty new game, but doesn´t support DualCore. Just like Titan Quest. ) So, one of my CPU is idle while the other one is working. The game is still running fine, because it is still 2600 MHz CPU and the graphics are doing most of the work, co why the other CPU cannot operate with psysics? I don´t mind. And there is no need for another Processing Unit. Just put the algorithms, instructions and operations which is in Ageia in Dual Core and the problem is solved. There is
NO game, and I mean it,
NO game, that needs 5 GHz CPU...and because DualCore CPUs are still cheaper and cheaper soon the people can decide whether to buy "one more card" or new DualCore CPU with Ageia instructions inside ( they have money to spend, so why bother ).
I know, everybody needs money, but if this will be possible, give me a good reason to not try it. :wave2:
Enough of it, all we can do is to wait, what the future brings. ( and how much it will cost
