Amazon opens supermarket with no check out

Amazon Go, in Seattle, has been tested by staff for the past year.

It uses hundreds of ceiling-mounted cameras and electronic sensors to identify each customer and track what items they select.

Purchases are billed to customers' credit cards when they leave the store.

On entering the store, shoppers walk through gates similar to those in the London underground, swiping their smartphones loaded with the Amazo.n Go app.

Then they are free to put any of the sandwiches, salads, drinks and biscuits on the shelves straight into their own shopping bags.

There's no need for a trolley or basket, since you won't be unpacking it again at the till. In fact, unless you need to be ID-checked for an alcohol purchase, there's also no need for any human interaction at all.

I see a lot of future problems with this. Welcome to the duture of skynet groceries... :D


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I don't see it taking off. If you're the kind of person that makes Amazon your go to shop, I don't see you making a trip to a grocery store.

I want steak and mushrooms and onions and a potato and broccoli for dinner. I can shop it and cook it, or make a phone call and have it delivered. Amazon generation people won't use this grocery store service because they wouldn't know broccoli from brussels sprouts to begin with much less know how to cook them.

I do like that drone delivery thing though. I live on the 3rd floor and having a 6 pack and roll of toilet paper fly into my window would definitely get me the sex.