Damn. Why is this thread getting so many responses? The original premise is just shy of retarded.
Retards are offended by the comparison. You gravely underestimate how far past retarded the original premise is.
Damn. Why is this thread getting so many responses? The original premise is just shy of retarded.
Yeah ! And if mummy's a swallower, maker her swallow twice 'cause foetuses feed themselves from what mummy eats...
Damn. Why is this thread getting so many responses? The original premise is just shy of retarded.
Probably. Fuckers. Kill them all.![]()
But in all seriousness to the topic, the only time during a pregnancy (unless your doctor tells you no for whatever reason) that sex should be put on hold is the first trimester. Mostly because that's the time where miscarriages are most likely to happen and things are more apt to go wrong.
Other than that, no harm to the baby...though the mother feeling like it is a completely different story.![]()
And, most doctors agree that one of the best ways to help induce labour for women who are overdue is a lot of sex. It's recommended.
Hmm... I smell a business opportunity, Dirk.
Or is it that old bit of placenta I still have in my fridge - that my hippy neighbour gave me in order to "correct my dysfunction" as she put it - finally starting to turn?
One must investigate. I shall report back with my findings in due course...
Not a bad thought. What would the tagline be?
"Will fuck your overdue whale of a wife to help your baby start squeezing and ripping its way out of her vagina"
I think that would sell it.
So can I send your comment to your girl now? :angels:
Sex doesn't cause miscarriages. I know guys like to imagine that their dick is 16" long, but c'mon dude...sorry to burst your bubble but your dick is nowhere NEAR long enough to cause damage. And even if it was, it'd take a dick of steel to penetrate a cervix, if its even possible.
Doctors recommend sex during pregnancy for many reasons. Happy mothers = happy babies. And it helps induce labor towards the end of it all.
And as for sex disrespecting the unborn child? Sex MADE that unborn child...if your theory is correct, then that child would be a disrespect to itself lol.