hi, I'm a girl, too. I've been a member for a while and sometimes post but not for some time recently. my husband is also member and posts more than me.
Welcome Everybody! I have my doubts about all of you being girls but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt since I'm such a nice guy. :angels: :wave2:
Funny you know that, you've only been here 4 days.
Must have done a lot of reading through old posts and my god, your short term memory must rock! :hatsoff:
Well last I checked I had a dick complete with two balls but just for you I'll check again...yep, it's still there! And might I add that little (or should I say big) brino perked up a little just for you.
Oh and btw I'm truly hurt that you don't think I'm human. Feel free to call me though if you ever feel like having relations with an underground moleman.
More females, dammit. Hell, I'll throw in a sneak peek of my bare essentials. *looks down* Well, it's not really bare, but it's damn essential. Especially in the morning.