AlluringVixens (

Hey E, im switching from this forum to the members area forum but I can't really find a thread totally devoted to AV. Wondering if u could direct me or create a thread for reqquests and also maybe a timeline one so we know whats upcoming I like the fact that I can post members area content there, and would like to see the live webcam schedule for fridays coming up. thanks a lot! Sweet Rosalee set today and looking forward to the Donna vid its one of the updates ive been on the edge of my seat waiting for
patiently waiting best of vid with Donna sand footage...patience....wearing...thin! Any idea when you're going to drop this gem on us Mr.E?
Ok i understand if we cant discuss it here. The problem is that im not a member anymore so i cant use the member thread. If Rosalee or Joselyn show nipples just post something like. Hey riverrat, we have what you were looking for. I will know what you mean without you having to share it with the public. Im sorry to be difficult but these are hard times for me and i cant afford to keep a running membership. Thank you for understanding.
You may remember a request I made last year for this set just wondering if it has been forgotten or is coming soon Janice looks amazing in this pic wanna see the set plz