Allie Sin / Naughty Nati

true, but in the video she could not be more bored
I know. I don't think I have seen one video of her where she is actually getting into it. She acts like she is numb down there or something. Even the anal/spanking videos she had done, her expressions were very listless. She just takes it and leaves. (Such enthusiasm! But at least she isn't pretending and coming off fake and cheesy) (Still very hot and sexy. I really like her. But I wonder if she is like this in real life while in bed. . .)
Google for some pasedwords for that site but folkes make sure you're system is WELL locked down, preferably use Linux, maybe if you're not used to Linux try one off the live CD's,,,there's a "Live" CD of Ubuntu that a lot of people who don't know Linux, just google it, burn it to CD then boot FROM THE CD, you normaly do that by pressing F2 after you're computer manufacturers logo comes on screen but before Windows starts. If you have probs email me at kirwan_patrick@the hot mail one, I'll try to reply to a group of probs together


a few of Naughty Nati

I hope she has some new updates soon. I like this chick