I'm sorry, I have to rant. I've been a Loyal Member / Supporter of Alley & her website for over 10 years, but she's really stretching my loyalty.
I paid for and downloaded the PPV 004 pics set. The pics are not any different to her LM sets. And the 5 min "teaser" video is a joke - 5 minutes of rubbing through black panties - puh-leeze
And now she's asking her members to pay ANOTHER $40 for a video which is supposedly "hotter", yet only has 10min of new footage, AND give her a voucher so she can buy a new computer system ??
Really Alley, stop having a lend of us. Based upon what I've seen and purchased (wasted $$ on), I won't bother with the PPV sets because they're no different to the LM pics.