Allen Iverson is a fucking joke

What an ego!No ring.Made crazy money.Now will be the man in Memphis instead of coming off the bench for a contender.:rofl:The Celtics wanted Grant Hill,he chose to stay with the suns cause he wants to start.:rofl: Joe Smith signed with Alanta over Clevland for the same money:rofl:What the fuck is this?Can someone explain why these guys and countless others wouldnt want a chance to be a champion as thier carrer was comig to an end.
He always has been a joke. I never understood why Dumars traded away Billups to get him. Of course you are going to score 25-30 a game when you put up 50 shots a game. Glad he's gone.


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What an ego!No ring.Made crazy money.Now will be the man in Memphis instead of coming off the bench for a contender.:rofl:The Celtics wanted Grant Hill,he chose to stay with the suns cause he wants to start.:rofl: Joe Smith signed with Alanta over Clevland for the same money:rofl:What the fuck is this?Can someone explain why these guys and countless others wouldnt want a chance to be a champion as thier carrer was comig to an end.

I would rather start at a franchise that appreciates me than to pathethically (like Karl Malone& others) chase those 'rent a rings' at the end of their careers as the 8 or 9th man in the rotation.

Reggie Miller had an oppurtunity to play in Boston also, but he chose to retire as A Pacer & the ring wouldn't have meant as much to him as the 8th man in Beantown.

Grant Hill is nothing But a class act & he knows going to Boston is no guarantee he will get a ring (ask Malone,Barkley,etc..) & if he is happier in Arizona(I sure would be) then stay.:dunno: Guys travel to these cities all the time & have a good idea where they would prefer living & would be 'happy'.

Robert Horry even admitted he would rather have had Charles Barkley's talent/career/money & would have traded places, with the ringless Barkley, in a heartbeat although he had 7 rings as a 'role' player & Barkley none.
Even in his prime Allen Iverson did almost as much harm to his team compared to the benefit they got out of having them on it. Now it's the same except he's getting old and doesn't even have to talent to make up for his shortcomings anymore. If he could have learned to be team player from the start he probably would have had more success even if his stats didn't pile up as much.
I fucking hate Iverson. There was a Rumor the Bulls were interested and thank god he signed with Memphis. :thumbsup:
Detroit sports fan here and this guy sucks and will never have the heart and determination of Chauncey Billups!
Wow. I know O.J Mayo says he's cool with this, but what a huge mistake for that franchise. At least Mayo can watch from the bench how not to play basketball.
Even in his prime Allen Iverson did almost as much harm to his team compared to the benefit they got out of having them on it.

Did you see the 01 NBA finals??? That sixers team couldn't have won in the WNBA let alone taking a game away from the Lakers without AI. But that was then and this is now
Did you see the 01 NBA finals??? That sixers team couldn't have won in the WNBA let alone taking a game away from the Lakers without AI. But that was then and this is now

Then again maybe if he used his skills to enhance the whole team instead of himself that might have been enough to push them enough to win. In fact if somebody had Iverson back then why even bother going out and getting other players. He would have marginalized the benefit from that.
^^^ I doubt it D-Rock, even a really good team would struggle against Shaq and the lakers at that time. I agree he's not making any of his teammates better but i think he did more for a bad sixers team this thread is giving him credit for. The Griz are crazy for taking him but even more screwed up for signing Z-Bo


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Do you guys think Iverson is a future Hall of Famer?

Well if you put in Pistol Pete who won absolutely nothing during his career(scored a lot of points), college & NBA, I don't see why not add Iverson:dunno:
The guys impact on the game was undeniable at his peak. I have always been ambivalent about him as I dislike short guards(under 6'3/6'4) as many become defensive liabilities.

But not before they put in Dennis Johnson & Artis Gilmore especially. A shame that Gilmore is not in already.
He doesn't deserve the Hall Of Fame, even with the amazing start to his career. His game was incredible but nobody has followed who plays like him and nobody is even going to try because of the way his career has played out.
Maybe these guys are just comfortable and they know their careers are near the end. The hassle of going to a new team, new city and learning a new system may not be worth it at this stage in the game.
He always has been a joke. I never understood why Dumars traded away Billups to get him. Of course you are going to score 25-30 a game when you put up 50 shots a game. Glad he's gone.

Im a Iverson fan and all but when he came to the D, his true colors showed. Joe D made that dumb ass trade for the free agents of 2010 and it blew up in his face
What an ego!No ring.Made crazy money.Now will be the man in Memphis instead of coming off the bench for a contender.:rofl:The Celtics wanted Grant Hill,he chose to stay with the suns cause he wants to start.:rofl: Joe Smith signed with Alanta over Clevland for the same money:rofl:What the fuck is this?Can someone explain why these guys and countless others wouldnt want a chance to be a champion as thier carrer was comig to an end.

I strongly disagree, AI is the man, and I really don't like when too many trades go down. I also think that the Celtics are just fine without Grant Hill.