All-Time Favorite Song!


Lord Dipstick


persona non grata
Iggy & The Stooges - Search and Destroy, because it kicks more ass than any other rock song.
Joy Division - Atmosphere

Walk in silence,
Dont walk away, in silence.
See the danger,
Always danger,
Endless talking,
Life rebuilding,
Dont walk away.

Walk in silence,
Dont turn away, in silence.
Your confusion,
My illusion,
Worn like a mask of self-hate,
Confronts and then dies.
Dont walk away.

People like you find it easy,
Naked to see,
Walking on air.
Hunting by the rivers,
Through the streets,
Every corner abandoned too soon,
Set down with due care.
Dont walk away in silence,
Dont walk away.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Like many, my choices change quite often...not only day-to-day, but sometimes minute to minute.

If I were pressed, right now, I would say Sonic Youth's Washing Machine. There is something about the song...going from Kim Gordon's very ugly vocals at the beginning, moving to an almost Doors-like performance in the middle, then finishing with some of Thurston and Lee's classic guitar wrestling.

TURN IT UP!!!! :banger::banger::banger:

It took me literally days for me to convince a friend of mine that the lyrics "Someone left the cake out in the rain, I don't think that I can take it, because it took so long to make it, because I'll never have that recipe again" exists. I had to find an album at a used record store and play it for him before he was a believer.
What is worse is that I am able to remember those lyrics without looking them up.
I must admit my taste in music spans almost every era and every genre so there are too many songs to count that I really like allot.

There is only one song that could qualify as being my all time favorite....that is the song I can listen to on any day, any mood and any circumstance.

"What a Wonderful World" - Louis Armstrong