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Great stuff my friend. I've seen those before, but what the Hell, it never hurts to see good porn comin' ya know.;)

I just burned the Facial Abuse episode with her to DVD-R with some other stuff from Roxanne Hall (mostly) I got. Like I said if you have E-Mule it's worth searching to have it ...


It's good to be the king...


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Awesome videos guys. Please keep'em coming! Also did anyone enjoy my pic set I posted the other day ? It's also brand-new. Later amigos ...


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I found more of her legendary UK Street Sluts episode. Enjoy these:

Here is an wounderfully sweet episodic clips with her and a blonde goin' two British blokes for UK Road Trips. The final clip with her getting DP'd and the blonde licking her pussy juices by scopping it with her finger nails first is beyond perfect joy:

Again, enjoy ...


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Whoa, the boards been dead for a few days. I guess no one even has any "classic" Alexis pics from 3 or so years ago, eh ? Ah well ...