Thanks for that. So someone from New York is a Yankee., but someone from Texas is Aussie's call the English "Poms" not the Scots Irish or Welsh, no idea why.
Oh your welcome. Yeah it definately halfway confuses some of my fellow Southerners once they hear that, and/or pisses off the more prideful ones. I was never prideful, though. So yeah, the Yankkes live above the Mason Dixon Line, in the North.
Here's somethin' I wanted to show you that can pretty much explain it all:
And this is the Southern half of the U.S. here:
I think my Southern ancestors got 'Yanks' and 'Yankees' from a combination of the Commonwealth influence, but also the earily Dutch settlers from New York state. So if a New Yorker contacted her, you are right: He was a Yankee.
I first cought on to the Aussie comments from sme message boards a few years ago. I hear it's a nice enough country, but sadly, it's coming American-ized (and even as an American I don't like the sound that) are really Xenophobic towards it's own allies. I've notced a lot of people from all over becoming American-ized, actually.
I also always woundered that. I guess they think maybe the English look down opun them cause they started out as a colonie and the prisoners were sent there? I don't know myself. Personally I don't like allies should ever hate one another. I love the United Kingdom myself, am an headed to London next year.
I agree I don't also see the need for it, or what they only include English people. Very mean phrase, that is...