Good post to resurrect. The Republicans were so jealous they found their own bartender in rural Colorado.
How does AOC not have a moral compass? How is she dishonest? I certainly don’t agree with her, but I haven’t thought of her in those terms.
She has many attributes in common with the other 434 House members. Both good and bad.
“She has many attributes in common with the other 434 House members. Both good and bad.”
True and this thread and that post isn’t about them. Although you can probably find some of those 434 with a compass intact. Pete King, recently retired, I would submit as one that had his compass intact. You’re point is valid since I just used and example that was outside your number.
Local to me, she weighted in heavy to thwart the Amazon HQ2 from being built in NYC. Her claim was against the $2.8 B tax cut. This was pure politics and cost the region an estimated 25,000 jobs. That is probably on the low side since there is there is a ripples right into her constituency. She double-downed when she stated that she was vindicated that Amazon was building in NYC any way without the tax breaks. She was referring to a distribution center that was already under way that was in means equal to HQ2 and her vindication statement was dishonest. An estimated $30B of increased revenue (By the State) v. a political maneuver claiming a loss of $2.8 hurts the people she claims to be supporting.
She misrepresents her upbringing to garner the votes. She claimed to be a girl from the streets of the Bronx, while she grew up in a different place. It was a modes ranch and knowing that address I wouldn’t say she had a silver spoon her mouth, but clearly it was a middle class life. I bar tended in undergrad and I know how tiring that can be, so she had an opportunity to spin it as a hard working educated woman, but she decided to spin the fable.
She is the recipient of an ethics complaint for her Met Gala tickets. The hypocrisy is bigger than just the tickets.
These are a few indications to me that she is lacking a moral compass. She clearly understands to force change, you have to be disruptive. I believe her primary concern is her own success. What specifically has she done for her district? Maybe that isn’t a criteria. Maybe her district is aligned with her agenda. It is a district that can use help. I don’t live in it, but I would think they would want better jobs and income.
She did well in high school, did well in science competitions, she did well in Boston University. She is brilliant in defense of herself against attacks. She contends with some current-day heavyweights and comes up positive.
Not that either one of them would let me, but to the point of the thread I’d bone AOC, but not King.