Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Refuses Invitation to Visit Auschwitz Concentration Camp

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) refused Sunday to visit the Auschwitz concentration camp, after a Jewish group had invited her to tour that camp and others this summer to educate herself about the facts of the Holocaust.

Last Monday evening, Ocasio-Cortez compared detention facilities for illegal aliens caught crossing the U.S.-Mexico border to “concentration camps,” adding the phrase “never again,” which commonly refers to the Nazi Holocaust

The remark drew outrage and criticism, even from fellow Democrats. Nevertheless, Ocasio-Cortez doubled down, first claiming that she had not been referring to Nazi Germany, then drawing parallels to the U.S. internment of Japanese-Americans during the Second World War. “I will never apologize for calling these camps what they are,” she tweeted.

Alan Dershowitz, who recently said he would support Joe Biden over President Donald Trump in 2020, said Ocasio-Cortez’s “concentration camp” claim made her a “Holocaust denier.” Bill Maher, host of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, and a determined foe of President Trump, criticized her on his show Friday evening: “If you want to run a campaign based on reparations and concentration camps then it’s going to be very hard to win the election.” Rabbi Shmuley Boteach (who is also a Breitbart News contributor) published a full-page ad in the New York Times:
AOC says a number of dumb things. In politics you should not use Hitler, Nazis, or concentration camps as comparisons. It's not smart. But she may be smart being suspicious of this invite and the motivation behind it. I wouldn't accept an invitation from Al Sharpton and would also be suspicious of his motivations. AOC does have to watch her mouth and the unforced errors she makes for her own good.

Ocasio-Cortez and Steve King trade jabs over 'concentration camps' reference

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Sunday lashed back at Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) after he suggested she accept an open invitation from a Holocaust remembrance group to tour Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps during summer recess.

“@AOC I went to Auschwitz & Birkenau with Eddie Mausberg & Jonny Daniels with In the Depths,” King wrote on Saturday. “I went with a deep understanding of the Shoah and had a profound personal experience. Please accept their offer.”

The New York Democrat, known for her Twitter ripostes, responded on Sunday: “The last time you went on this trip it was reported that you also met w/ fringe Austrian neo-Nazi groups to talk shop.”

“I’m going to have to decline your invite,” she tweeted. “But thank you for revealing to all how transparently the far-right manipulates these moments for political gain.”

Before declining the invitation, Ocasio-Cortez also took jabs at the Iowa Republican over his defense of the terms “white supremacist” and “white nationalist” during a New York Times interview.

“Mr. King, the Republican Party literally stripped you of your Congressional committee assignments because you were too racist even for them,” she wrote on Twitter. “My Jewish constituents have made clear to me that they proudly stand w/ caged children who are starved, denied sleep & sanitation” — a reference to migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border.

The squabble follows Ocasio-Cortez’s comments in a video last week in which she compared Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention centers to “concentration camps.”

“The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border, and that is exactly what they are — they are concentration camps,” Ocasio-Cortez said in the Instagram video, sparking an online debate.

The term “concentration camp” predates the Holocaust by decades and became widely used during the Boer War in South Africa, when British troops rounded up and interned tens of thousands of people. Similar tactics were used by U.S. forces fighting against Filipino soldiers to defeat the independence movement in the Philippines.

King isn’t the first Republican to criticize Ocasio-Cortez over her border remarks. Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) took to Twitter last week to rail against them, saying she was “happy to help educate” her Democratic colleague.

“Please @AOC do us all a favor and spend just a few minutes learning some actual history. 6 million Jews were exterminated in the Holocaust,” Cheney wrote. “You demean their memory and disgrace yourself with comments like this.”

On Sunday, Ocasio-Cortez fired back at Cheney, as well.

“Hey @Liz_Cheney, you’re the GOP Conference Chair — perhaps you should come collect your colleague before more members of your caucus start saying the quiet parts loud,” she tweeted, referring to King
Merriam-Webster defines "concentration camp" as a place where large numbers of people (such as prisoners of war, political prisoners, refugees, or the members of an ethnic or religious minority) are detained or confined under armed guard.
The dictionary notes it is used "especially in reference to camps created by the Nazis in World War II for the internment and persecution of Jews and other prisoners"
Its first known use, the dictionary adds, was in 1897—the year Spanish general Valeriano Weyler opened "reconcentration camps" in Cuba. The term is often used to describe confinement facilities set up in South Africa by the British during the Boer War (1892-1902).
It has also been to refer to centers that held Japanese Americans during World War II and camps that housed indigenous populations, and later political prisoners, in Chile, for example.

AOC is right, the Trump administration is running concentration camps, that's the reality of the situation in the dentainment facilities along the border. You may not like it but that's the harsh reality.


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Bronze Member
Let's not focus about the ones calling out the active players in the administration.

Let us call out the ones who make the decisions about the issue

This is the main troll.

AOC is right, the Trump administration is running concentration camps, that's the reality of the situation in the detainment facilities along the border. You may not like it but that's the harsh reality.

Do not compare what isn't comparable and don't be ridiculous, those aren't concentration camps so don't be a fool to compare of detaining illegals who for the most are criminals and members of a cartel whereas in concentration camps, people where killed because of their race. Ocasio Cortez is a leftist unpatriotic piece of trash and a low life iq bartender, we already knew it. She loves also Omar and Tlaib, that is enough to tell who she really is and what are her beliefs.
Do not compare what isn't comparable and don't be ridiculous, those aren't concentration camps so don't be a fool to compare of detaining illegals who for the most are criminals and members of a cartel whereas in concentration camps, people where killed because of their race.
I am not comparing. You are.

You and other Trumptards are the ones claiming she compared these detaining facilities to nazi extermination camps like Aushwitz. The truth is all concentration camps are not meant to exterminate people. Most of them are to detain them in barely human conditions. They are meant to detain people seen as second-class human beings.
I am not comparing. You are.

You and other Trumptards are the ones claiming she compared these detaining facilities to nazi extermination camps like Aushwitz. The truth is all concentration camps are not meant to exterminate people. Most of them are to detain them in barely human conditions. They are meant to detain people seen as second-class human beings.

She sides with despicable islamists such as Tlaib and Omar that you and the other Obama muppets support and love blindly and unconditionnally and why didn't she visit Auschwitz when she is supposedly that tolerant? But fact is she not and she is stupid, and people who are detained in facilities in the US are mostly illegal aliens and criminals. Most of them sneak in into a country illegally and then have criminal activities and leech off the system.
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