Aletta Ocean ❤️ ❤️
This scene was with Steve Holmes 👏 (not featured) - it was their second scene together.
How much plastic surgery has
Aletta Ocean had? I think she's had work on every part of her body including her lips. She doesn't look like the same girl as she did 15 yrs ago.
A ton of surgeries. Industry insiders refer to her as versions of herself: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and now 4.0.
Three breast enhancements, seven rhynoplasties (nose), two lip procedures (collagen injections), botox on her face, near her eyes (prevents crows feet when squinting) and on her forehead, her buttocks (implants), her hips, liposuction, her teeth have all been capped, her eyes (lasik surgery), as well as her eyelids.
Yes, she is addicted to getting plastic surgery.
We seem to have another
Lolo Ferrari in the making.