
I Don't Always Drink Alcohol

But When I Do, I Drink A
Whole Heck Of A Lot Of It

I call foul, bogus and full of crap. That is an old anti heroin poster. BULLSHIT !!

The perp who did this dasturdly deed must refrain from going to MCDONALDS for one month or give up on SEX for a month. Which will it be.
Why would you give up booze? You enjoy it. If you're married you basically only answer to the wife. If she doesn't have a problem with your drinking why would you quit? My wife works the night shift at the hospital and, when she's on shift, she knows I'm at home watching a couple movies and having some drinks. Don't quit if you don't have to, need to, or want to.

I hear ya, but it's a health thing. I don't have any health issues (yet), but I want to give it up before I do. My liver will thank me later.
I'll still have an occasional microbrew. But that's not "drinking," that's more like eating.
I hear ya, but it's a health thing. I don't have any health issues (yet), but I want to give it up before I do. My liver will thank me later.
I'll still have an occasional microbrew. But that's not "drinking," that's more like eating.

OK. I don't drink the amount of hard liquor I used to either. A couple times a week I drink a good amount of those higher alcohol ales I made that thread about. Found some good tasting ones that are 9.6% alcohol.

I'm glad I'm a happy drunk who doesn't cause trouble who knows it's better to sit home and do my drinking. When I drink around people I try to be aware of my level of intoxication and just smile with bloodshot eyes not saying much. My sense of humor can raise eyebrows for the wrong reasons.

I'm also glad the wife is supportive of my drinking feeling secure that she knows I'm home while she's at work and she is the only one who kisses me on the wiener and sits on it until the white stuff comes out.

Last night I had a fun night drinking alone having some ales, watching a couple super-gory Horror Films, cooking myself a greasy omelette with sausage, jalapeños, and cheese, then I went to bed.
I drink beer about once a month and have about 24 ounces and get fucked up and fall asleep. I found out Busch is better than regular Budweiser, but pussy beats them all.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
So my internet is out for a couple of days and commetnipple gets the ban hammer. Good times, good times.


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Bronze Member
Addiction has many faces. It's not obly about alcohol, or white dust, etc.

And some keep shooting themselves in the foot on the innerwebs because they can't think before they post.

Good thing is: You can always come back. Bad thing is: Eventually, you will shoot a bullet in the same foot, and go full circle.
On one hand, this creates fun for others, on the other, it keeps setting a precedent.