terrible. Hollywoodizing never works. I like dicaprio, don't get me wrong, he's a great actor, but this movie is not about great acting, and it certaintly doesn't need a big name to sell it. what it really needs is to have nothing to do with
This Could be done... many manga (japanese comic books) are adapted into live action films in japan, because they are regarded the same way as pulp serials and dime novels used to be in
America. they aren't regarded the same way that comic books are in
I'm not trying to diss on
America here, I love
American movies and there are great directors and actors that are great at what they do- but what they do is
American culture. And while some
Americans can understand and appreciate foreign culture, they can't recreate it because they don't live it. When they try to tranfer it they have to take out all the cultural references and "
Americanize" it which then makes it not make sense because it's out of context, or else they just eliminate them all together only sticking with the core ideas which do translate, but ultimately rings hollow because they took out all the substance.
I mean its not to say that it never happens. there are a few visonaries like sergio leon who made italian style movies, but was able to authentically capture
American storytelling as well in a way that was instantly relatable and appreciated by both- but those are few and far between.