Aircraft carrier sized asteroid to pass closer to earth than the moon is far...


Asteroid to pass closer to Earth than the moon
An aircraft carrier-sized asteroid, a little over four football fields in diameter, is heading toward Earth and it will pass closer to our planet than the moon.

NASA has classified the asteroid as a “potentially hazardous object” and it will pass to within .8 lunar distances on November 8. It is the closest approach to Earth of an object this size in over 30 years.

What would happen if an asteroid this size crashed into Earth?

It would result in a 4,000 megaton blast, magnitude 7.0 earthquake and - if it falls into the ocean - could cause a 70-foot high tsunami within 60 miles of the crash site, according to an expert at Purdue University.

However, this space rock poses no threat of an Earth collision for at least the next 100 years, according to NASA’s Near Earth Object Program.

So what’s the big deal?



and we don't even have "Mir" or much less a Skylab to toss in it's path for a fall fireworks display. :(


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Can we direct hit to hit Oklahoma? No one will notice.


For the EMPEROR!!
Cool stuff, Fac. :cool: Apparently there's an enormous amount of debris floating in and out of our solar system.

Sooner or later we're going to cop it. It's just a matter of time.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I'd better rub some garlic on myself before the next full moon then.