What is she were 14? Maybe 13? Maybe 12? Maybe 11? If she wants it...
Come on, man - she's a KID! THAT'S why people frown upon it - kids cannot make sophisticated, informed, mature decisions until they're older.
This isn't rocket science. Sure, there are some precocious teens out there, but even still, they're not capable of the reasoning that a 26 year-old man should have/has... That's why we have laws about drinking age, driving age, voting age, property ownership age, contract age, etc.
:2 cents:
Come on, man - she's a KID! THAT'S why people frown upon it - kids cannot make sophisticated, informed, mature decisions until they're older.
This isn't rocket science. Sure, there are some precocious teens out there, but even still, they're not capable of the reasoning that a 26 year-old man should have/has... That's why we have laws about drinking age, driving age, voting age, property ownership age, contract age, etc.
:2 cents: