African state of Angola bans Islam and will destroy all mosques


I'm watching some specialist videos


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
So what have learned? The people of Angola do not practice western political correctness. Half way around the world from the rest of us. They've got oil, diamonds, and gold. Sell them that ugly Ikea furniture and let them run their country the way they want.
I don't necessarily agree with their policy, but it's their country and they can deal with the fall out.


As you reap so shall ye sow...

If all the peaceful Muslims have to live with the supporters of, and the ones who blow up opposing sect's mosques, repress all their women, blow up busses and markets just to see the dead... maybe they'll finally come out against 15th century Islamic practices and bring Islam into the 19th century, at least.
All other religions of the world have made some progress towards that...except Islam.
You never know, humanity might die out sometime in the future, then no more wars. Just animals killing and eating each other. :)

As long as the animals in Maryland are slaughtered. That'll teach them for doing something I can't even remember anymore.
How is that better?

That depends on how you look at it. It would be worse for us, but better for every single living thing on the planet. And while part of being human is a sense of self-importance as a race over all other living things, it doesn't matter to nature one bit. It goes on and on no matter what lives and what dies...

...Oh sorry, I forgot who I was talking to. It wouldn't be better, Will. But don't worry your adorable Christian head. God would never allow that to happen to you, and he's gonna kill all those people in Maryland like you asked just as soon as he's finished helping all those football players win the superbowl.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
So, if I'm understanding the OP, he's celebrating/agreeing with an attack on religious freedom (in a country known for not respecting civil liberties), since he has a problem with the religion in question. And as long as we only go after people or religions that we don't like or agree with, that would be a smooth move for the U.S. too. I guess the rationalization is based on real or perceived beliefs about Islam as a religion of tolerance and peace. Very interesting view...

Maybe we should add some conditions to our Constitution and its Amendments. Maybe not every Constitutional freedom should apply to everybody.