advice with girl needed

Well, I tried to keep my options open so I sent her an email saying it'd be cool to go to the cinema on some other day; and ever since then I've made some small talk, trying to be my usual self, looking as if nothing had happened, trying to be cool. She's kind of flaky and checks her email once in a blue moon so it was to no avail but I felt I had to keep my word about contacting her the following day and at the same time having an excuse to "talk" to her.

I see her just once a week at class and we honestly haven't had that much time together so I'm not sure it was/is the right time to open myself. As I said before, after class we've so far walked together and chatted about different things; it's kind of strange because I enjoy being with her but at the same time it's like my head is constantly thinking what to say next or how to keep things interesting.

Anyway, I find her attractive and interesting but strange at the same time. I agree with her on some things and disagree on others. She can be really smart but all of a sudden come across as light-hearted as well. I know I'm rambling now... Lol.

I haven't got any clear signs on her behalf that she's interested in me but as someone's said before maybe she has a full plate as of now. I want to share things with her or be a part of her life but at the same time I don't know how to bring down that barrier or wall between us; and I don't wanna come across as pushy either.

My question is: what's next? I feel this is gonna be a slow process if I get lucky, maybe this is the kind of relationship that requires very small steps? When is the right time to take the big step? I'm all ears.


My question is: what's next? I feel this is gonna be a slow process if I get lucky, maybe this is the kind of relationship that requires very small steps? When is the right time to take the big step? I'm all ears.

Perhaps she is simply not interested?

Try moving forward with that mindset and see what happens. :2 cents:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Invite her out for drinks. Bring Rohypnol.


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Well, I tried to keep my options open so I sent her an email saying it'd be cool to go to the cinema on some other day

You're bargaining now and an email is just awkward, especially if it's just concerning something like going to the movies. Don't you have her number so you can text her?

As you said, you shouldn't be pushy. Leave her to do the pushing. If you start brushing her off and acting indifferent then she'll get curious since you've acclimated her to having you under her thumb. I know that it's a pain to have to play this game but that's just how it goes.


Closed Account
Oh dear, you`ve blown it bigtime now. What was the point of emailing her if you know that she checks her email rarely? Chances are she`ll open the email in a month or two`s time and think it a bit freaky. You can`t ask her out by email. you have to talk to her but as everyone else has said, you should have left it a short time and then try again. I fear you`re made it impossible now wihtout coming over as some kind of stalker. Play it cool, and if ever you get the hint of an opening to try again then do so verbally and don`t beat about the bush. Otherwise you`ll spend a lot of time thinking what might have been, and wondering about how many dates it woudl ahve taken before you got to spend the night in her bed.
The question... for how long should I play it cool. Deep inside I just wanna tell her how I feel but her being a classmate, someone I'd be seeing in the future, scares me away, especially if things don't turn out the way I want. I never thought it'd be this hard with this girl. She's kind of tough to reach. I mean we have some good chat but I'm always waiting for some kind of sign or hint... that never seems to come.


Closed Account
Well that kind of depends. You could play it cool forever and never get anywhere and lose out on loads of other opportunities. Then in 5 yrs time you`ll have played it so cool you`re covered in ice and still single.

Or you can try to get to know her and hope that she begins to show interest. Or you could try to get to know her, and then find a suitable opportunity to tell her in graphic detail exactly what you want to do with her in bed and invite her to your room.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol


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Honestly, I've just been throwing out random advice to confuse you further. Do what you want.
Get Gym, Get Tan, then show the broad your Situation.
Either that or smush her best friend. Broad will be eating out of your hand ma'dude.
Now that's the situation.