Adriana Lima - Victoria's Secret Model


Adrina Lima

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Ok so Adriana Lima smokes

This link looks like a candid picture of her smoking

Yet she said this in a Q and A session with some site

You have flawless skin, do you have any good beauty secrets?
Lots of rest and drinking a lot of water is the key to having good skin - and no smoking!

Clearly she's contradicting herself. It's a shame that she would want to ruin herself by smoking. Oh well.
Re: Ok so Adriana Lima smokes

I never said she couldn't smoke. I just stated my opinion and you didn't like it. The topic was more about her contradicting herself that smoking being a huge turn off.
Re: Ok so Adriana Lima smokes

fuck , she's fucking gorgeus without makeup and a cigarette in her hand
Re: Ok so Adriana Lima smokes

Of course she smokes, she a fucking model, I think it's mandatory. I'll be she snorts coke too!