Addicting !



Better yet, only $1 per 24 at your local "Small" Lots Stores.



Lord Dipstick
Word! :yesyes:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Or I'll have to confiscate them all
Hey, no confiscating! 1 per person, I call dibbs on the orange ones.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Good stuff!:yesyes:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
yeah flavor ice is alright but give me Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew poured into an ice cube tray with plastic wrap, and a tooth pick through it. Then chill for a few hours, and I get a better flavor ice.
Freeze pop. If it is what I am thinking. I get the box of 100 or so. Awesome stuff. :D

Like water balloons.
I haven't had one of those in years. I should go get a pack tomorrow. :yummie:
They're good for popping into your mouth quickly and getting a sudden searing pain right behind your eyeballs. :1orglaugh


My Penis Is Dancing!
We should make a FreeOnes pop. Tastes include semen, blueballs ball sweat, despair and lemon.


mmm ill take a pink one please what can i say i do like a nice bit of pink

bear, I like your way of thinking ! Oh yea ! :nanner:flylicker

I'm just happy that the green colored ones are that of lime essence and not mint. :D
I hate that when I'm eating a box of Jujifruits and damn near 1/2 of the box ends up to be mint green chews. :pukey:

Apparently, ''Fla-vor-Ice'' and ''Otter Pops'' are the same thing, just labeled differently. The website says something about 5 oz. size bars being available instead of these puny 1 and 1.5 oz bars.