Esperanza Gomez. Can't get enough of this girl!
Two of my oldest, dearest favourites: Daniella Rush and Lea De Mae... It's a tragedy what happened, Daniella is crippled since many years due to a car accident, and Lea's deseased, I don't remember what happened to her. They won't be forgotten!
Found Lea De Mae's English language entry:
So Brain Cancer is sadly the answer. It says she sadly succumbed to the disease in '04. So yeah, she's sadly been gone for a few years now.
She was a bute. Guess the last adult film star who's been passed away for quite some time now that I masturbated to would have had to have been Anna Malle, although I admitedly sometimes don't always feel good about myself afterwards; please don't ask me why. It's just the simplistic thought that I am getting myself of to someone who is sadly no longer here on this bickering Earth with us. But to each they're own.
This is the first time I've seen a photo of her and she was a looker.
Ok, thanks for the info anyways!
Yeah, I've read a lot of people don't watch deseased actresses work 'couse they find it disrespectful. In a way I can see the point, but I almost feel the opposite - beutiful, talented stars that made us go crazy can't be forgotten and have their work stuffed away! I won't stop listen to dead musicians work, or for that matter quit watching dead "regular" actor/actresses movies. Pay tribute to the dead if you know what I meen!
And hey I'm sorry to hear about Anna Malle, I didn't know she passed away.
Well let's quit this, it's too far off-topic! Cheers!